Assigning submissions to a reviewer(s) is a simple process. Before you can assign reviewers, you will need to add them to the system.
The guidance below is for event administrators/ organisers. If you are an end user (eg. submitter, reviewer, delegate etc), please click here.
See Manage users for instructions on adding reviewers. It would also be useful to be familiar with The Review Tables first.
Go to Event dashboard → Abstract Management → Reviews
There are two tables to choose from - Reviews by submission (ordered according to submission ID) and Reviews by reviewer (ordered according to reviewer). You can access these by clicking By submission, or By reviewer under Reviews in the left hand menu. Entries are displayed in rows.
Any rows with a pink background are incomplete submissions, not incomplete reviews.
Using these tables, you can assign by submission, or by reviewer.
To assign by submission, choose the Reviews by submission table.
(NB - the process below is the same for Reviews by reviewer, but for the purposes of this guidance the Reviews by submission table will be used)
NB: If you wish to add or remove columns, see The review tables
You can now assign submissions automatically to reviewers - to find out how to do this please read our Knowledge Base article - How to automatically assign reviewers.
To assign a review, click on the checkboxes in the first column. You can assign as many as you like, or if you wish to select all, check the box in the head of the column.
After you have selected the submissions you wish to assign, click on Assign Reviewers.

On the next screen click Manually Assign.
The Assign window will appear.
1) If you have a long list of reviewers, you can search for them in the Filter by email or name field.
2) Filter by reviewer category
3) The submission IDs you have selected will appear in this box.
4) The emails of the reviewer(s)' you have selected will appear in this box.
NB: You can also bulk assign e.g. by copying and pasting a list of IDs/ emails and entering these manually with each ID/ email on a new line.
5) Assign all reviewers or 6) Select individual reviewer(s)
7) Click Assign Reviewers button when you are ready.
NB: You will be notified of any potential conflicts - i.e. if the submitter's and reviewer's domains match, or are very similar.
The reviewers will then appear in the accordion rows below the submissions.
8) To Unassign reviewers, repeat the steps above, but click Unassign, instead.
If the reviewer has not yet registered for an Oxford Abstracts account, their name will be shown as 'Unregistered' alongside their email address.
Filter by reviewer category
You can assign specific categories to reviewers, and then use this as an additional filter when assigning submissions.
Go to Event dashboard → Reviews → Reviews by reviewer
Click on Assign in the top right corner.
On the next screen click Manually Assign.
Then 1) Click on the Categories tab 2) Select the reviewer you wish to assign a category to 3) Select the category and 4) Click Assign categories
Go to Event dashboard → Reviews → Reviews by submission
Click on Assign Reviewers in the top right corner.
On the next screen click Manually Assign.
You can then filter by category.
And assign in the usual way.