1. Oxford Abstracts Knowledge Base
  2. Account Administrator Functions

How to Attach a Submission to a Symposium as an Admin

If you are an admin of an event and need to attach a submission to a symposium then please follow the instructions below.

This information is for Event Admins only.

If you are a submitter wanting to attach a submission to a symposium, then please follow these instructions on our Knowledge Base article.

From your main dashboard, navigate to the left-hand column and click on Symposium → Submissions → Table

Next, choose the symposium you need to add the submission to by clicking on its row on the table.

On the next screen, click on the Attach Submission tab at the top of the page.

Search for the submission you wish to attach by using words from its title in the filter box, and then selecting the tick box next to the correct submission and clicking on the Attach Selected button at the bottom right of the screen.

The submission will now appear on the symposia.

You can now click on the X at the top right of the page to return to your dashboard.

If you require further assistance, please get in touch via our Contact Form.