How to edit automated emails for delegate registration

Learn how to edit automated emails in the delegate registration feature.

Please note this information is for Admins only!

If you are on the free package you are unable to edit automated delegate registration emails.


From your dashboard, go to the left-hand column and click on Emails → Edit & Send → Registration Auto Emails.

On the next screen, you will see all the automated emails that will be sent out. They are divided into sections i.e. Confirmations, Payment Requests.

Click on the row of the email you would like to edit.

On the next screen you will have the editor to the left (1), this is where you’ll make any amendments to the email, and to the right of the screen is the preview of the email (2).


To edit the email, all you do is click on the corresponding box i.e. Subject Box or Body Box and start typing etc.



You can add a merge field if necessary by clicking on the Merge Field tab underneath the Subject tab (to include in the subject line of the email or under the body box to add a merge field to the body of the text). 

Then select the merge field you want to add from the drop-down box.



Scroll down the editor box on the screen to change the Button names and choose your CC options.

If you choose to edit the Buttons, the link on these won’t change but the text will.





You can send yourself a test email to your inbox before you save your changes. 

Click on the send test email button at the top right of the page. 

It will fill with dummy data just to give you an idea of what it will look like.

When you are happy with the changes you have made you need to click on the Save Changes button at the bottom of the screen.

If you require further assistance, please get in touch with our support team via this Contact Form.