- Oxford Abstracts Knowledge Base
- Delegate Registration
Introduction to the Oxford Abstracts tools
Getting Started and Creating an Account
Account Administrator Functions
Getting Started With Your Event
The Submission Stage
The Reviewing Stage
The Decision Stage
Creating Exports, Reports and Abstract Books
The Conference Platform
Delegate Registration
Guidance For Reviewers
Attending an Event
How to register on the behalf of someone else
In this article, you’ll learn how to buy tickets to an event for someone else.
You can either watch the video below, or scroll down to follow the written instructions.
Go to the ticket page for your event.
Select the tickets you would like to order and click on Continue.
On the next screen, click the toggle off that says This ticket is for me, and then input the correct details of the person you are purchasing the ticket for (Email Address, First name and Last Name).
Then click the Continue button at the bottom of the page. This will take you to payment section.
If you should need any further assistance, please get in touch with our Support Team via our Contact Form.