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  2. Getting Started and Creating an Account

What to do if you're not receiving Oxford Abstracts emails to your inbox

Once you have set up your account, a verification email will be sent to your email address. If you do not receive this, here are the reasons why and how to solve them.

NB: If you are looking to create your account and log in, please take a look at the following article - Creating an account with Oxford Abstracts

If you have used an institution email address to create your account (e.g. name@university.edu), internal servers at your organisation may automatically reject emails that come from an ‘untrusted’ address.

Unfortunately, sometimes our emails fall into this category.


It has come to our attention that those of you who use a BT Internet email address, may find our verification emails are being blocked by your email provider.

Please mark Oxford Abstract - no-reply@oxfordabstracts.com as a Trusted Sender and try the steps below.

If this doesn't resolve the issue please contact our support desk (details at the end of the article).


If you are experiencing this, we suggest in the first instance that you contact your IT department, and ask them to set Oxford Abstracts as a trusted sender.

If this is not possible, an alternative solution is to change your email address to one of a generic domain (e.g. name@gmail.com).

Click on the user icon on the top-right hand side of the screen and select My Profile, you will be able to update your email address.

Go to the top right corner of your Oxford Abstract screen, click on your email address and select ‘My Profile’. 


On the next screen, select ‘Change email’ under the Email address field.


 Add your preferred email address into the New Email and Confirm New Email boxes, enter your current password and click ‘Save’.


Should you require any further assistance, please contact our support desk via our Contact Form.