Creating questions / forms to be answered by individually by authors and/ or presenters.

All the fields on the Authors and affiliations questions are completed by the submitter, on behalf of their co-authors, but you add custom fields to be completed individually by the co-authors (or just presenter, if required).

NB It's important to be able to distinguish between submitters, authors and presenters.

Submitters: There can only be one submitter for every submission. These are the people completing the submission form.

Authors: Authors are listed by submitters in the authors and affiliations question. The author is often the submitter, but often multiple authors are allowed.

Presenter: Presenters can also be the same as both the submitter and the author, but often only one presenter is allowed where there are multiple authors. These are tagged in the authors and affiliations question, and will be denoted in bold or underlined in the program and abstract books.

If you decide to add a custom author question that needs to be answered individually, you will need to make the email field in the authors and affiliations question a required one.

Go to Event dashboard →  Forms → Submission form → Authors and affiliations question → Scroll to Custom author fields

Click Add custom field, then choose which type of question you would like the authors to respond to.

Then add a label

You can then choose from the following options

1) Checking this box will result in only the presenters being sent the question / forms to answer, and not the co-authors.

2) From left to right: If Required is checked, the submssion will not be marked as complete until the author(s)/ presenter(s) complete and submit the question / forms.

Show in program: The response will be displayed on the program, in the authors and affiliations section.

Show in book: The response will be displayed in the abstract book.

3) You will need to check this to enable the question / form to be answered inidvidually by authors/ presenters, otherwise the custom field will be completed by the submitter on behalf of all the other co-authors.