FAQ: Admins - reviews

Here are our responses to some of the FAQ about the reviewing stage.


A reviewer has reported that they can't see their reviews when they log in.

See Not being able to see reviews when logged in


If I remove a reviewer in Manage users,  do I also need to unassign them from any assigned reviews?

No, if you delete the reviewer, they will no longer have any assigned reviews. See Manage users and Assigning and unassigning a submission to a reviewer

How do I see who has completed their reviews?

See How to chase up late reviews

I need to complete a review on behalf of a reviewer. How do I do that?

See Editing a review or completing a review on behalf of a reviewer.


I would like reviewers to make recommendations on whether a submission be accepted or rejected. How do I do that?

You will need to add a dropdown question to the review form - see review question types.

I need to assign a large number of submissions to several reviewers. Is there a quick way of doing this?

See Assigning and unassigning a submission to a reviewer.

How do I control what data the reviewer can view in the submissions?

See Question tags.