Learn more about the various types of users who will need access to your event, from admin through to reviewers and other personnel.
The guidance below is for event administrators/ organisers. If you are an end user (eg. submitter, reviewer, delegate etc), please click here.
NB: See also Manage Users.
Different types of users in the system
Account Administrators have access to all of the events within their account.
Once an account is set up by Oxford Abstracts, account admins can add more account admins.
This permission is set up by the Account Administrator
Event Administrators have access to specific events as determined by the Account Administrator.
Anyone with an Oxford Abstracts account can submit an abstract to a conference or an application to a competition or award.
To make a submission, they will need to know the url of the submission form, which can be copied from the event dashboard and published in your event website.
You can also restrict submitters by adding only permitted submitters with their email address.
The terms Referee or Grader or Judge are sometimes used to describe the role of a reviewer.
Reviewers for a particular event are set up by the Account Administrator or Event Administrator.
Reviewers can see the submissions assigned to them and they can grade the submissions.
The terms Chair or Panel Member are sometimes used to describe the role of a Committee Member.
Committee Members for a particular event are set up by the Account Administrator or Event Administrator.
Committee Members can see all the submissions and all the grades for all the submissions. They can, if permissions are enabled, also make decisions.
Anyone with an Oxford Abstracts account can register as a delegate (the Delegate Registration add-on is available for all our packages).
To register as a delegate, they will need to know the url of the delegate registration form, which can be copied from the event dashboard and published in your event website.
API users can generate an API code and access the API documentation. They can be set up to manage specific events by the event administrator, or to manage the API for all events in an account by the account administrator.
When setting up access (Professional Conference Package only) to your conference platform , you can invite users who can view your program who are not registered as delegates.